Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Kayanna Gunther

The advanced opportunities programs have helped me in so many ways. I was able to take more classes in 10th grade that allowed me to take all senior classes in my 11th grade year thus advancing my high school career. I am going to be graduating with a whole year of college already done. This fact is possibly the best outcome of the whole program. I will be a whole year ahead into my six year secondary education career. I am planning to continue on to university to complete my masters in Psychology. By participating in the Advanced Opportunities programs I will be entering the world with some experience under my belt.
My goals have been the same since I was in 8th grade; finish high school, go to college, start my career, and do it all in the most financially beneficial way as possible. Before I found out about the Advanced Opportunities the goal for accomplishing everything was to earn as many scholarships as possible and take the rest out in loans. Granted, earning as many scholarships is still the goal but I now feel like I will not have to take out as many loans.
Overall I have learned many things. I have learned how to manage a full time college schedule and 30 hour work week. I have become a better advocate for myself by fighting for my education instead of just folding and accepting that I won't be able to do the things I was promised. I have become more motivated because I have chosen to continue on with school instead of stopping at high school. Every time I’m about to go to school the only thing I don't like is the waking up, then again who likes that? Instead of dreading going to school I am excited for it. I think, inadvertently, this programs helps the participants grow up and be excited about school again. Before, back when I was taking classes at the high school I was never excited for school unless it was a half day or a day I was in drawing all day; now that I make the choice everyday to go to school I am excited to learn about new things.
These programs not only help students to advance themselves but they also help them realize that their goals can become reality. They help students to grow up, mature, and decide that going on is the best option.

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